Поделки для дачи

01.05.2013 07:30

Ничего не выбрасывайте! На даче пригодятся и проволока и старые корзинки без дна!

Посмотрите здесь на такие полезные и красивые поделки для дачи. Из остатков проволоки сделаете подпору для клубники, чтобы не валялась на земле и вместо созревания гнила. 

Конструкцию из ивовых прутьев могут обвивать вьщиеся растения - это недорого и красиво. 

А многолетки посадите в старую корзинку, и под ними будет удобно косить траву.

Чтобы клубника не валялась на земле.

Созревающие плоды клубники тяжелые, поэтому ветка с ягодами согнется прямо к земле. А так к плодам не попадает солнышко, и достаточно нескольких влажных дней и урожай начнет гнить. Посмотрите как эту проблему решили супруги Юнговы. Сначала Иолана попробовала пластмассовые стаканчики, чтобы поднять кустики с ягодами, но эффекта не было. 

"Тогда мой муж  сделал из остатков проволоки подпоры для кустиков. Просто нарезал проволоку кусачками и согнул. Казалось бы мелочь, но для меня это была большая радость!" - говорит Иолана. Благодаря такому простому устройству был весь урожай на виду.

Красивая корзина с многолетками.

Отслужившую корзину можно использовать как подпору для куста какого-нибудь многолетнего растения, который и смотртся так красивее и не занимает много места. А если у вас в саду бегают животные и дети, то корзина послужит и охраной от них. Особенно такую корзину оцените в том случае, если у вас на газоне посажен куст пионов. Корзина кроме всего прочего помогает легче ухаживать за газоном вокруг куста.

Этой идеей поделилась Вера Беранова. Она так использует старые корзины без дна, если же дно еще осталось, нужно его остатки удалить. "Важно корзину надеть в начале роста куста", - говорит Вера.

Плетеная конструкция для клематисов

О возможности использования прутьев вербы я уже писала (Из свежих прутьев вербы сделаете компостер, живую изгородь на даче и домики для детей). Опоры для разных видов вьющихся растений - от клематиса до плюща - могут иметь разную форму. 

Эва Косинерова украшает свою ограду плетеными арками из прутьев. Такие простые но очень эффектные арки расположены вдоль забора. Они  ставятся для вьющихся растений ранней весной, чтобы вырастающие усы сразу могли цепляться  за арки.

А какие интересные поделки для дачи есть у вас? Поделитесь в комментариях.


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Это вам тоже будет интересно:

Дизайн дачного участка на 100 м2.

Декоративные растения: топиари самшитового куста.

Цветник около дома

Ландшафтный дизайн : вода в саду.


Комментарии к теме : Поделки для дачи

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Breeches - unique excluding horseback riding rags

BreechesSkype 21.05.2020
Just like any discipline of sports activity, horseback riding also needs specific clothing. It doesn't mean that without the right outfits of the rider, the horse will not canter, but the norm, level of comfort, aesthetics play a vital purpose in all of disciplines. Especially horseback riding, namely a discipline from distant history, has built specific characteristics over time. Breeches are most certainly one of these.

Equestrian breeches, coziness, and custom
Equestrian breeches are special horse riding clothing. Because they don't include seams on the inner part of the leg, namely in the area where the rider’s leg meets the saddle, they offer comfort and freedom of actions. This kind of way of stitching safeguards your skin from chafing, makes it possible for the rider to correctly saddle the horse and experience for a long period not having negative consequences. Breeches may be firmer or puffed around the thighs and legs, just like cavalry breeches.

At present, the most popular are firmer types of breeches, on the other hand, there is still a huge group individuals preferring the cavalry design, for instance saloons or jodhpurs, having straight or slightly extending legs. The last model has become famous in the Nineteenth century Britain owing to Jodhpur maharajah taking part in polo in such gear.

The things that make breeches distinctive?

Breeches are characterized by high waist and grip - short or long. A grip is an supplemental reinforcement having a layer of suede, leather or silicon that goes far towards the knees or down the entire leg. The idea guarantees greater tackiness, gluiness, gumminess in the seat, however, the model of the breeches is dependent on the rider’s choices.

Full grip breeches have this extra strengthening on the inner side of the pants on the whole length of where the rider’s body suits the saddle - with the buttocks to thighs and legs. This particular version is especially popular among dressage riders, who love to ride at a trot or canter. Due to reduced slippage and excellent adhesiveness, they make it simpler to remain in the saddle.

Knee grip breeches have the strengthening on the inner section of the knees. This particular design is specially preferred among jumping riders since it guarantees overall flexibility of movements even at the price of a reduced grip. It performs at a trot and canter in half-seat.

Materials for breeches
In order for breeches to be as durable as possible, they must be made of high-quality components. Fabric is chosen for a given time of year, that makes it thoroughly breathable, isolating, quick-dry, and easy to clear. The material should really be somewhat elastic and maintain its shape even after several laundries.

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Eskadron -- new adored by jockeys all over the world

CyberXtor 02.04.2020
Eskadron is one of the very appreciated high-street manufacturers in the entire world that focuses primarily on the production of top quality equestrian clothing and equipment. This Italian concern has been founded by Pikeur trying to meet the jockeys' needs, have been searching for professional but also stylish equestrian accessories. Thus, why is Eskadron therefore special and why their collections are so popular with riders?Eskadron -- why do riders from all over the world love this brand?
Eskadron continues to be extremely popular with horse-riding lovers for several or more years today. This brand's products are characterized by their top quality attention to detail. Eskadron can also be valued for their exceptional viability, elegance, innovativeness of their projects, modern style and design, and accessibility. The brand's offer includes both professional items and ones for amateur riders. Thus, you can find basic equestrian clothing, expert equestrian, and assorted accessories necessary for your proper saddling of a horse. Eskadron offers saddle cloths, halters, rugs, bell boots for horses, vases, fly vases, drapes, but also hoodies, tshirts, breeches, even show jackets. All products come from the eu, which in addition verifies their quality.Eskadron's collections
Eskadron has many selections. Some are seasonal, many others are constantly available in their offer. The very Well-known collections of this brand are:
Classic Sports - established twice per calendar year, this line is composed only of horse equipment. Services and products out of this collection are very easy, in standard soft colours but at the same time very elegant.
Platinum - launches once a year for those who prefer traditional solutions. You'll mostly find gray and black colors together with delicate image themes.
Young Star - line for children that begin their experience with horse riding. It has basic horse riding accessories in bright colors and extraordinary patterns.
Equestrian Fanatics - clothing line designed for riders that like to stand outside. Available coats, hoodies, and backpacks successfully combine casual clothing with equestrianism.
Classic offer - Their steady offer of clothing, equipment, and accessories. You'll find services and products useful for training and everyday rides but also elegant show clothing.

Eskadron is a new used by cyclists from all around the globe. For the sake of riding and safety both yours and your horse, it is worth investing in high quality articles, which will allow one to fully appreciate this sport that is exceptional.


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